Next Generation IT Resiliency

To bolster systems’ availability and resiliency,…

Finding Growth in US Insurance

In the current environment, streamlining the bottom line…

Monetizing Data Analytics ​

For several years, it has been said that “data is the new…

Realizing the Reality of Real Time Payments

Real time payment (RTP) transactions are likely to exceed…

An Agile Approach to Digitalizing Wholesale Banking

Credit has seen its fair share of ups and downs, from…

Customer Engagement Index

While firms have found tremendous success in using these…

Driving Productivity Through Systems Selection

Procurement often involves multiple disparate…

Putting IT Infra Consumers on a Diet

One question seldom asked is “how do I put my (IT…

Wiser Data Augmentation

It is well known that one way to make better predictions…

Smart Blockchain Contracts: Are We Finally Going Paperless?

Smart contacts offer the potential to facilitate or fully…